A little Pete Townshend background music to go with today's post as today is the day I picked up my first post-hospitalization blood tests.
Tony and I suited up early and headed out into the fresh 'n chilled Frenchy air to the lab about a km away, me tingling with anticipation the whole darned way and with Pete Townsend in my head rockin' on my every step, (it's the perfect BPM for walking).
Seems that all the levels in the ole tank are yet to show normal readings, specifically, the creatine and urea numbers are still off the charts. But all the other numbers are well within normal ranges so I'm at least not going to flip out about any of the abnormal ones.
Sure am happy to share that as like I thought, (and felt, hey no more fainting!), via knowing what's in all I've been eating since being released from the hospital), my potassium levels are right on the money! As are all the electrolytes.
Tony and I suited up early and headed out into the fresh 'n chilled Frenchy air to the lab about a km away, me tingling with anticipation the whole darned way and with Pete Townsend in my head rockin' on my every step, (it's the perfect BPM for walking).
Seems that all the levels in the ole tank are yet to show normal readings, specifically, the creatine and urea numbers are still off the charts. But all the other numbers are well within normal ranges so I'm at least not going to flip out about any of the abnormal ones.
Sure am happy to share that as like I thought, (and felt, hey no more fainting!), via knowing what's in all I've been eating since being released from the hospital), my potassium levels are right on the money! As are all the electrolytes.
So there you have it, a positive progress report, I'd say.
I had mistakenly thought they would be doing urine analysis today as well but apparently, that's just every 3 months, so I'll have to wait to find out on that.
In the mean time, I have sent these results to my dear cousin in Milano who just happens to be a Nephrologist. What are the odds!?? He has most generously offered any and all advice he can give to further help me through this journey, so as soon as I hear back from him on the results, (in Italian, and feed into my trusty google translator), I'll likely tag this post with a hopefully further positive edit.
Wishing you all a wonderful, sunny and healthy day!
Juanita, I am Pam's sister Jude, just got your link (you sent me a message on Facebook) to your blog and just read the whole thing. You are an amazing woman!
I'm so sorry you are having to deal with all of this (and there is a specific intern AND taxi driver in France whose butts I'd like to kick to kingdom come) but I adore your attitude and fortitude! (You rock the 'tudes!!) I'd love to be able to say it must be a Canadian thing, but it is indeed rather who YOU are.
It has been my pleasure to have received your Facebook message "in error" as now I have become acquainted with you. :-)
I wish you the very, very best in your battle for good health and send you much healing vibes and love. My sister Pammie has nothing but wonderful things to say about you. I can see why. :-)
I'm going to link this blog of yours to mine.... although I don't post on mine as often anymore (Facebook took over all my friends' lives so I'm mostly there now with them) I still check my bloglinks often.
P.S. And I love your dog! He's so beautiful!
Hello again, Jude!
Thanks so much for taking the whole blog in.
I do appreciate the linkage to yours too as the more, the merrier and hopefully, the healthier.
And I'll let Tone-Bone, (Tony, who is actually deaf and answers to clapping more than anything), that he has a new fan.
He really is a sweet lil fuzzer and would you believe that he and I take the same meds? Yup, he has an auto-immune condition too, "Addison's Disease", just like Kennedy had.
Small medicated world...
take good care and see you on fb, now that we've friended-up,
: J
You and Tone are kindred spirits in more ways than one, I'll bet!
Looking forward to a lot of connecting here and on FB, love to you!
This is awesome news, mon amie!!! The numbers are definitely heading in the right direction, and I have no doubt that with the care you are taking, your awesome attitude, and your dedication to beating the crap out of this beast, they will all be toeing the line in no time!
See, Judy? Isn't Juanita fabulous? :) Oh, and yes, Juanita, Judy's pretty awesome too! ;)
Moi aussi, my new amie.
; J
Thanx for the PETE....I just read his book....it's great!!
You're tres welcome Todd! I LOVE that song. P just read the book too and me thinks I'll give it a spin soon as well.
Hope you're doin' fine these days, meeeeester!
: J
I think you two are both FAB! So nice getting to know more of your family, Pamoooooon.
: J
Aww shucks! Yep you were right about Juanita too sis. ;)
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