Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Napa Cabbage Lentil Rice

Season's Greetings, Readers,

Posting today with a tasty and as always, healthy recipe that I threw together for luncheon today.

Napa Cabbage Lentil Rice
1/3 of a Napa Cabbage, (aka Chinese cabbage), sliced
3 cloves of garlic, minced, (And as usual, set aside for 20 minutes before cooking to maximize the allicin.)
1 cup of cooked wild/long grain rice mix, (or whatever rice you fancy, of course)
1/2 cup of cooked lentils, (I used brown/organic)
1 tbsp of sesame oil
1 shy teaspoon of oyster sauce
juice of 1/2 lemon
LOTS of fresh ground pepper

I first chop up the garlic and cabbage, then set the rice a-cookin', through the cabbage in a wok with a bit of water, close the lid and wait a bit.

Once the cabbage has relaxed and the rice is cooked I throw all ingredients into the wok and toss.  This way, the garlic is not tooooo cooked as I rather dig the punch of it raw.

That's it, perhaps 15 minutes of actual cooking and ohhh so satisfying in this chilly wintery weather.

bon ap and bon vibes,

: J

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Bright Idearrr...

Hello again, Readers,

Writing to share a possible life-saver which dawned on me today while walking the pooch.

I realized that yikes, I NEVER have my wallet (which contains my medical alert card), with me when out for our daily hikes.

And since I have yet to get myself a medi-alert bracelet, if anything were to happen during those jaunts, it would be made extremely dangerous without any kind of alert item on me.

So I got busy in photoshop and made a bright and bold medi-alert jpg listing all of my conditions and medications.

This image is now on the lock screen of my cel phone--the ONE thing I never leave home without.

What's great too is that as my meds change, which they seem to often, I can update accordingly.  A win-win.

Just wanted to share the idea with anyone else out there new to the chronically ill game like me.


: J

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Movin' On Up!

Hello again, Readers,

Hoe the weekend is going well out there.

Mine is going pretty well due to:

a) Postponing my Prednisone wean down to Monday so I could enjoy the weekend with P proper.


b)  My latest blood and urine work ups have all MARKEDLY IMPROVED since last month's!!!

The electrolytes are all still in normal ranges, the hemoglobin is holding fast at 12.2 g/dl and the red blood cell count in the urine--which last month was a whopping 32.000/mL, (normal being less than 5.000), is now LESS THAN 1.000!

And now for the tastiest morsel on the kidney health platter:

My kidney filtration rate, aka GFR, is once again, a fantastic and faaaabulous 40!!!

Here's a pic of my blood chemistry report as of October 30th, for the scientificy peeps out there, complete with a verrrrry smiley face to show just how mine was when I opened the envelope today.

That red blood cell count, (aka RBC), in the urine also confirms, (along with how much BETTER I'm feeling), that the renal colic/kidney stones that hammered me last month, has officially HIT THE ROAD!

It's so NICE to see the numbers trending like this and it all just spurs me on even more to continue my scientific eating for LIFE.  A life that I hope will never have to endure any dialysis nor a transplant if I can help it.

Wishing you all a healthy, happy day out there!


: J