Monday, May 20, 2019


Yeah, use whatever curse words you may default to.


So, it's been one helluva Spring for this ole meat mobile, starting with finding a second, more seasoned and more intelligent neurologist a while back, whom I saw for the first time in March.

She, thank the stars, speaks actual English and after taking in my medical shituation and current pain-management regime, came to the quick 'n dirty conclusion that my mounting monstrous migraines were due to either the regular tramadol use, the paracetamol use, or both.  Both are apparently known catalysts for us migraineurs.

Amazing how none of my other specialists never mentioned that.  Yes, they mentioned "rebound headaches", which in my mind meant, "small", and meant a small price to pay for a bit of daily competence, but it just never connected--that those drugs were actually causing the migraines to simply take OVER--enough to change the actual blood chemistry, due to all the cyclic bile-vomit-a-thons.

So, what did the new neuro recommend?  "QUIT ALL PAIN KILLERS."

*dead air*

And not just for a while, but permanently.

Along with THAT slice of hell, she also prescribed as a migraine prophylaxis: anti-convulsant and anti-seizure meds; as the migraines also were messing royally with my motor functions on days following major attacks.

What she DIDN'T say was "Taper down" off the tramadol, so cold turkey into it I went and, just, WOW.  I haven't tasted black water like that since trying to taper off dreadnisone, in body and spirit.  Just---WOW.

Perhaps she didn't suggest tapering due to the mini-dose I was on?  (37.5mg tramadol mixed with 300mg paracetamol and only once a day.)   But still, after taking the stuff on the regular for near four years, I learned in no time that indeed, this lil body had become dependent enough to chuck me into the depths of withdrawal hell--for over a month, only to be soon tagged with the damned flu--still getting over that.  (Yay, thyme tea.)

But thankfully, that nauseous/gut-grind-fest, torture-wrack, everyday-a-new-funeral kinda grimness phase of the withdrawal, is finally over and I'm now left with the raw reality of arthritis in my vertebrae, disc degeneration and a sporatic sciatic circus.

I see the new neuro again soon and I'll surely be asking about why she didn't suggest a taper of sorts, (along with a whole bunch of other Q's).

Now, for some GOOD DAMNED NEWS ALREADY EH?!?  Seems that being off the opioids, or the paracetamol, or on the other new preventative-drugs, is having a positive affect on the migraines, which are no longer every damned day, nor as severe and YAAAHOOOOOO!

I've had a couple bangers since starting this new regime, but no puke-fests, thanks in no small way to a certain blessed herb and that THAT IS GOLDEN.

That dear green dame I'm certain, helped me through this whole withdrawal ordeal and I can never thank her enough.  But will again here as not only did it get me to eat and stopped the gut-grind, it helped me quite simply, BE during that dust storm.

So yes, that's been the last two months for ole moi.

And that's why I have been lying so incredibly low online, on the phone, in spirit and in body.  Low, but with with the highest of fives to this lil black angel of mine, who was there every damn time I fell into a heap of What the hell is going ON?!?!??!   He always seems to notice the moment a tear rolls out and it just blows my heart away and I thank you, dear Dino, I THANK YOU.

His sweet healing arse in action:
So, yesss, my days now are even shorter than they were before, when I'd get a juicy slice of liberte' each day, thanks to the only painkillers the kidneys allowed.

Now, usually by 11 am, post-sacred Church of Dog, I'm laid out flat, already in broke-back-ice-pack mode on the sofa, feet on heater.

Thankfully, I'm a curious Georgette about a LOT of different realms and love listening to lectures and interviews about science and spirit and health and human history and... Seems I picked a real good age to be in this physiological-pickle, with such wonderful access to so much knowledge literally at my fingertips and from any position.

And still, hope springs infernal.  Even though the rheumy now says I'm NOT eligible for spinal cortisone shots, ffs, I still have faith in future of pain management; maybe stem cells to the rescue?  Maybe hypnosis?  Electricity?  Kidney-kind entheogens or micro-doses of?

On another upside, I've become pretty good at self-massage and pressure points and yogic-yoinging some back pain away, sometimes yarding it into downright pleasure for a half hour or so and bully for me and my sacrum.

Also upside-ish: before the fan really started flinging, I managed to squirt out another painting, all sparkly in the right light and I call her, "Smart, Too" in acrylics on paper, 40x50cm, currently hanging by the sofa watching over me.

Also of note: I'm glad to share that I'm still "allowed" to take tramadol (tram only now) for exceptional cases like dental visits or plane trips etc., so there's that and paracetamol's still permitted for fevers but I'm honestly still trying HARD to get the hang of this new and even more limited life "style".

Oh yeah, and no more voice-overs out-of-house.  The migraines made that a no-go and the back is keeping it that way.

Good thing we have an in-home studio though, as a new Dragon & Rosebud haunted-music box waltz is coming soon too.

Gonna close now, with thanks to those out there still keeping track of this show.  Makes the catch ups on the phone with pals a LOT easier/more fun, not needing to talk so damn much about all this madness and instead, about flowers and neanderthals and space and shit.

With special thanks and extra love to my dear 'n distant folks, who have been even more appreciated during these unrenderably dark times of getting off the hellishly helpful opioids.

Ice-ice time, babies...




Fred_Derf said...

Hello there, sad to hear about your health I wasn't expecting this, I wanted to know if you think that you voiced Jill Valentine in the original japanese game Bio Hazard, or maybe it was someone you met in the business, all we know if the voice actress was in Canada (Alberta ) at the time.
The recording occured in 1995 and was in Japan.Here's a sample of the voice

Thanks for your time and take care !

Bon courage


Rosy said...

❤️ So much love. You’re spirit inspires.

Sakira said...

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Juanita Grande said...

@Fred_Derf: No, that voice was not moi in 1995. I like the character name, tho.

Juanita Grande said...

@Sakira: Belated cheers. ;)

Fred_Derf said...

Okay, thanks for the reply.