Thursday, September 3, 2020

Hell or Highwater, Grand(e)


And I’m mending and slowwwwwwwly bouncing back.

Yesterday's BP reading shows it, too; a far cry from 160/100 just days ago at the hellspital:
I’m sending out more thanks from the depths and widths of my heart, to every old friend and new out there, who helped make this trip to the blessed, horrid, freaky, beautiful, hateful, love-filled, life-saving hospital so successful.


And bless all the sweet nurses, orderlies, interns, docs and cleaning ladies--they surely know who they are already, but those kinds of humans BEING deserve to be thanked in writing too, so RE-THANK YOU ALL.

Thanks even the to sadistic basement technicians, who performed the un-anesthetized and un-medicated colon biopsy—WHILE my colon was infected and inflamed.  YYYYUP—even you mofos—‘cause after that screamin' pavarottic assault—THAT particular migraine at least—was gone!

Sure showed THAT nurse, who before the procedure, I had warned that I had a migraine—you know, just to let them know the patient would be, kinnnnnda sensitive—to which she curtly replied, “Madame, you are NOT here for a migraine treatment.”
Ahem...   😳

And for those less prose-prone, some facts: the time proceeding the hospitalization went kind of like this: a month+ of strange diarrhea and 8 months preggo bloating that came and went a came again, but then came on strong for about two weeks and then REALLY PEAKED with REALLY LOUD knifing pain and weakness and elevated heart rate and mild sporadic fevers for too many days followed by a panicky early morning ER trip. 

A day or so later, after being the squeakiest wheel ever to my nephrologist and a fruitless GP app, the neph finally sent me to the nephrology ward for observation, (had to wait 'cause no beds were available).

'Cause that revealed: major dehydration due to the prolonged diarrhea, acute renal failure, a colon infection, gut flora that had leaked from there into the blood, then came a major and scary allergic reaction to the antibiotics that treated all that, ignored for the first two unreal painful rounds by the night nurses--all interlaced with severe migraines which, due to the kidneys, can't be treated by anti-inflammatories or paracetamol.  Opiates and opioids are out, as they provoke whaaaat?  Severe migraines!!!  (You can actually hear the gong echoing...) 
Add in a surreal dash of unbelievably checked OUT night nurses ignoring call buttons for hours on end, while enjoying a weekend smoke-fest unchecked, in a %*#!! nephrology ward, resulting in MUCH pain and zero sleep on multiple nights and, well, I was one hot mess apres all that.

Nerd sidebar:  This infection is essentially due to continued immune system suppression with certain b-lymphocytes still at  ZERO, even though I have been off the treatment that killed them (Rituximab), for seven years.  That is a medical anomaly unto itself.

Aaaanyway, signing off now, onward and ever upward.

And MAN, am I ever looking forward to being back in my wee forest with the black Mandingo again.  I’ll leave this picture of our last time there, which was on my b-day—both for vous, and as a carrot for me.
as always, +++vibes,




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