Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Bright Idearrr...

Hello again, Readers,

Writing to share a possible life-saver which dawned on me today while walking the pooch.

I realized that yikes, I NEVER have my wallet (which contains my medical alert card), with me when out for our daily hikes.

And since I have yet to get myself a medi-alert bracelet, if anything were to happen during those jaunts, it would be made extremely dangerous without any kind of alert item on me.

So I got busy in photoshop and made a bright and bold medi-alert jpg listing all of my conditions and medications.

This image is now on the lock screen of my cel phone--the ONE thing I never leave home without.

What's great too is that as my meds change, which they seem to often, I can update accordingly.  A win-win.

Just wanted to share the idea with anyone else out there new to the chronically ill game like me.


: J


Fullmoondolphin said...

What an excellent idea! This would be a good thing for anyone who always has their cell phone with them. Thanks for letting us in on it. :)

Juanita Grande said...

Cheers, Friend, :)

And soon enough, I'll have some kinda medic alert bracelet or dog tag made up too.
