Friday, January 4, 2019

Prophylactic Experiment OVER

And in more ways than one.

So here I sit by a raging and necessary fire after a morning of the neurologist who three months ago, prescribed a daily mini-dose of amitriptyline against the migraines.

Long story short, didn't work and I experienced the same number of migraine dragon puke-fests as usual.

So I'm gonna titer on down the road off that stuff over the next couple weeks.  And with pleasure, one less med is always welcomed.

And a longer, more animated/embarrassing/unbelievably frustrating story shorter--after much useless tissued time with said neuro, (who was sporting the bedside manner of a sea urchin), it was revealed that due to the kidneys, my options for prophylactic treatment are now exhausted.

Dead air.

Save for the TENS machine on the head approach, (Celafy), which she seemed to have zero faith, (intere$t?/whooooo knows), in pursuing,  even as an acute treatment option, ffs.

So I left, flaccid and shocked outta hope and slowly made my way back home to this dear Dingo here, now at my side diggin' the hearth--whose English is surely better than that neuro's.  (Unless listing, "Francais et Anglais", on her site means that she has both of those words' definitions down PAT.)

And dammit, I really thought that I was at the beginning of a new treatment path, not at the end.

Not so fast???

She also provided some other acute treatment prescriptions which I'm not looking forward to trying.

Yet am.

And as we discussed last time, here's to hypnotism for all the varied pains being actually effective.

Now to find a practitioner who preferably speaks  at least most of English.

AND kicks brain-ass.

With wisdom.

And sensitivity.

And tenacity.

And, I think I want JUNG!

But before that, I'm gonna barf out a new painting.  I've seen it and I can feel it welling and I know it will help, at least with the view.

+++vibes, with extra's for a sweet and savory 2019 for us all,


1 comment:

Doreen Grande said...

Don't think you're at the end of the rope yet. I'm sure there is some hope out there for better things to come. At least I keep praying THERE IS!!!!! You just hang in there as you know so well to do.

Love you my dear WARIOR!
